Checks & Bank Transfers

How to give by Check

Please make checks payable to ROLCC with a note at the bottom “New Wave”.

River of Life Christian Church
1177 Laurelwood Road
Santa Clara, CA. 95054

You can mail the check or drop it off either in our Dropbox at Emmanuel Chapel or at the Church Office.

How to give by Bank Transfer

You can give offering through your personal bank's online bill payment service. This also allows you to conveniently give your tithe by setting up a recurring Bill Pay. 

* Indicate River of Life Christian Church as your payee and specify your name on the account. Please include your name and address so we can send you a tax deduction receipt at the end of the year.

Make sure to also include “New Wave” in the note section.

To inquire about other ways to give offering, such as Bank Wire Transfer, please contact Chun Chun Feng, at (408) 260-0257 Ext. 106, or email: